IGL Cares

UHWI Field Hospital Ready – IGL Donates US$12,000
Press Release
UHWI Field Hospital Ready – IGL Donates US$12,000
Kingston, September 24, 2021 – The University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI) field hospital is ready to begin accommodating Covid-19 patients this weekend Dr. Carl Bruce, Consultant Neurosurgeon & Medical Chief of Staff has said.
Updating IGL’s Managing Director, Peter Graham as he presented his company’s cheque for US$12,000 yesterday (23-9-21), Dr. Bruce said “we have space ready for at least 48 beds now. We have special areas designed including resuscitation rooms and separate sections for confirmed Covid-19 cases and unconfirmed patients. We are not mixing them.”
Thanking IGL for their donation, Dr. Bruce said that “the contributions by you and other corporate organizations have been instrumental in getting this facility up and running in record time. Our wards, our waiting areas and emergency areas have all been overrun and we are elated to have more appropriate accommodations for our patients and our staff. Even before Covid-19 we were sometimes challenged to find beds for all who needed them. So this expanded capacity is most welcome.”
Mr. Graham said that “IGL was happy for the opportunity to contribute to the wellbeing of Jamaicans in Covid-19. We have been on the frontline with medical practitioners providing critical Medial Oxygen supplies and share the ongoing challenges of your team and those of hospitals across the country.”
The field hospital came in response to a call early September for assistance from the hospital to the private sector which was spearheaded by Chief Executive Officer of RJR Gleaner Communications Group, Gary Allen and his Chief Operating Officer, Christopher Barnes.
Featuring hard wall units, the aim is to have over 27 of them on the UHWI grounds, providing for over 60 beds on final completion.